48 heures à Hamilton Island, Australia
Au départ de Sydney,
Departing from Sydney,
Une heure et demi d'avion plus tard... arrivés pour quarante-huit heures sur l'île de Hamilton Island.
One hour and half later... We arrived for forty-eight hour in Hamilton Island.
One hour and half later... We arrived for forty-eight hour in Hamilton Island.
Prendre son billet d'avion quelques heures avant de partir. Quitter les journées hivernales et fraîches de Sydney pour des heures chaudes au bord d'une piscine à Hamilton. Retrouver un air d'été le temps d'un week-end, baignades et apéritifs.
Taking its ticket, couples hours before to go. Leaving the cold days in winter in Sydney for a few warm days, sitting by a pool in Hamilton. Finding a summer vibe, just for the weekend. This includes bathing and aperitifs.
Taking its ticket, couples hours before to go. Leaving the cold days in winter in Sydney for a few warm days, sitting by a pool in Hamilton. Finding a summer vibe, just for the weekend. This includes bathing and aperitifs.
Là, où il fait bon vivre "lentement". Organiser ses journées entre farniente et nautisme. Oublier les business-days de la ville.
There, where the life is "slowly". Organizing its days between farniente and boating.
Just, forgiving the work.
There, where the life is "slowly". Organizing its days between farniente and boating.
Just, forgiving the work.
Admirer le lever du soleil à 6:00am et le coucher de soleil à 6:00pm.
Enjoying the sunrise at 6.am and the sunset at 6pm
Enjoying the sunrise at 6.am and the sunset at 6pm
Profiter de la faune et la flore du Nord-Est
Enjoying the North-East's fauna and flora
A très vite,
See you
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